Rosanna is a Nationally Licensed Acupuncturist and Massage Therapist specializing in a variety of techniques to help all types of client needs. Her acupuncture and massages are based off of Chinese Medicine that works mind, the muscular body and the central nervous systems.
Knowing that each patient has specific needs and tolerances, Rosanna works with her clients to reach personalized goals and pressure levels. Whether it is to relieve stress, aid in major and minor health issues, release tense muscle patterns or stretching, there is always a level of comfort and professionalism that clients can expect.
Rosanna’s acupuncture education and training is from WON Institute of Graduate Studies that familiarizes and trains students in various styles of acupuncture. 5 Element, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Japanese Style and Sport/Orthopedic techniques are all covered and utilized based on patient needs. Rosanna has specialized training from Drs’ Jason and Linda Hao at the Neuro-Acupuncture Institute. She has undergone all three certification courses and is currently 1 of only a handful of Neuro-Acupuncturists in the Pennsylvania area.
Rosanna has continued her specialization in Neurology based Acupuncture by studying under Dr. Poney Chiang from York University in Toronto, Canada. Dr Chiang’s teachings and trainings, Neuro Meridian Integrative technique, focuses on peripheral (or arms/legs/truck) neurological disorders that have proven results for impingement syndromes and sports related issues. Rosanna has completed training as of October 2023 and is currently 1 of 11 practitioners in the United States that has completed this training.
As of Spring 2023, Rosanna completed studying under French Neurophysiologist, Dr David Alimi, MD, who trains many doctors, mid-wives and dentists in Auricular (Ear)Techniques/Points. His years of practice and studies have shown huge effects in re-wiring the inner brain of patients for various conditions. Upon course testing, Rosanna is one in a handful of practitioners with a certified competency in Neuro Auricular.
The most commonly used massage techniques include, but are certainly not limited to: deep tissue, trigger point therapy, Thai, PNF and Active Isolated Stretching, Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy, Cranio Sacral, Shiatsu, Meridian Acupressure, Nueromuscular Therapy Techniques and Chickley Lymphatic Drainage Technique.
As a practicing triathlete and general physical sport enthusiast, Rosanna is able to work with all ages and levels of patient needs for physical movement and postural problems. In addition, diet and nutrition knowledge may be recommended based on patient needs.
License Information, Certifications and Associations
Master In Acupuncture | WON Institute Of Graduate Studies | Aug-16 |
Certified Massage Therapist | National Academy Massage & Healing | Sep-09 |
BS Advertising/Marketing | Northern Arizona University | May-99 |
Level 1 Certified | NAI-Neuro Acupuncture Institute | Oct-17 |
Ayurvedic Massage | Nirvana Massage | Jan-16 |
Infant Massage | Nirvana Massage | Jan-16 |
Meridians & Acupoints | Nirvana Massage | Jan-16 |
Taping- Musculoskeletal Function | Cross Country Education | Jan-13 |
Lymphatic Drainage Technique | Chikley Institute | Nov-12 |
Neuromuscular Massage Techniques | NMT Center/Delaney | Sep-11 |
Ashiatsu Oriental Bar Therapy | Ruthie Piper Hardee | August 2009/Aug 2010 |
Usui Skiki Ryoyo Reiki 1 & II | Serafice Cordova | Mar-10 |