Community Acupuncture @ Aim High (Copy)
Community Acupuncture offers acupuncture in a setting where multiple patients receive treatments at the same time by financially sustainable and accountable means.
Acupuncture is an effective form of health care that has evolved into a complete and holistic medical system.
Acupuncture promotes natural healing by enhancing recuperative power, immunity and physical and emotional health. It also can improve overall function and well-being. It is a safe, painless and effective way to treat a wide variety of medical problems.
Rosanna will be practicing under the COVID-19 guidlines. In order to treat everyone effectively, there is a maximum of 6 people per session. Pre-registration required for the slot you wish to attend. A no-contact temp. will be taken for each person before entering the building. For information on the additional guidelines and safety measures in place please contact