January 2022 this practice will no longer be accepting massage only patients. Only massage options available will be Acussage (90 min treatment with 45 min massage and 45 min Acupuncture).
Deep Tissue/Target Zone Massage
A massage that offers you a more intense muscle pattern and tension release in the body. Deep pressure helps to relieve chronic muscle tension of the sub fascia layers of the muscle tissues. Deep tissue can also focus on specified problem areas of the body such as legs, shoulders, neck, upper and lower back. Trigger point therapy, compression and other deep tissue techniques help to correct and rebuild constant musculoskeletal ailments in the body.
(May be used during an Acussage treatment)
A technique of finger (Shi) pressure (atsu) therapy to harmonize the interrelationship of life force (qi) and blood. The balance of these two elements can be crucial to one’s health and wellbeing. Generally a light touch treatment with huge physical and emotional benefits.
(May be used during an Acussage treatment)
Taking the “Universal Light” the therapist uses little to no touch on the body. The therapist hands are used to help heal the body using the energy emitted from his/her hands for areas the body most needs it. You will feel relaxed and should notice a change or shift in any part of the body that may have been problematic.
May be used in an Acussage treatment